Nothing can be more annoying to a homeowner, and his pets, when fleas move onto your pets and into your homes. Summer is the prime time for fleas, but once they have a hold on your pet and your home, their season can go well into Winter. We have tips to help you figure out if your pet and home have become infested with fleas and the easiest way to get rid of them.
The easiest way to find out if your pet has fleas is to inspect them carefully. Your pet may be scratching more often, and if you look through their fur you will no doubt find flea fecal matter, which looks like tiny black sand. Fleas can be very harmful to your pets health, as they carry other diseases that can affect them, and they cause worms in animals. If you have evidence that your pet has fleas, contact your veterinarian for the best course of action to rid the pet of these pests. Be sure to vacuum all carpets thoroughly and wash the pets bedding, so that the newly treated pet stays pest free.
Sometimes a thorough cleaning does not eliminate the flea problem in the home. Even though your pet may be treated for fleas, they can manage to live just fine by feeding on you and even your kids. Remember, fleas carry disease, and it is very important to get rid of them completely. Store bought flea bombs and other insecticides can be dangerous if not used properly. It is always best to hire a professional when you are dealing with chemicals. Contact us at the number above and we can discuss a course of action to get rid of the fleas safely and effectively.
Tags: flea infestation, flea problem in the home, fleas in your home, fleas on your pets, insect gone, pest control for fleas in chautauqua and cattaragus counties, pest control in cattaragus, pest control in chautauqua, pest free pest control, southernteir pest control