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House Mouse


2-1/2 to 4 inches

Distinguishing Marks

Dusty gray in color
Small head & slender body
Moderately large ears
Small & somewhat protruding; color blind

Description of the House Mouse

Rodents-MouseExcellent hearing, vision, smell and touch have enabled the mouse to be highly adaptable to homes and indoor buildings. All they need is a 1/4" opening to be able to enter a building, so they often have access to many places along the building's perimeter.


Dusty gray in color


1/2 to 1 ounce


2-1/2 to 4 inches

Tail Length

As long as body – up to 4 inches


Small head & slender body


Moderately large ears


Small & somewhat protruding; color blind


1-2 years


1/4 inch long with pointed ends; dark color

Reproduction of the House Mouse

Litter Size

5-7 pups per litter

No. of Litters

6-10 per year

Sexual Maturity

1 month

Gestation Period

20 days

Breeding Season

Indoors: All year; Outdoors: Spring & Fall

Diet of the House Mouse

Daily Amount

1/10 ounce

Daily Water

Utilizes moisture in food

Daily Food

Cereal grains, meats, seeds

Habitat of the House Mouse


Throughout the US & south of Boreal Forest in Canada

Nest Location

Corners in cluttered areas, base voids of appliances; Less than 30ft. from food source

Home Range

6-30 ft. from nest

Active Periods

Nocturnal; most feeding occurs 30 minutes after sunset and before sunrise
Further sources: Info from

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